Pro Bio Products - Waarom de Synbio-producten de beste keuze zijn voor jouw gezondheid

Recently, the Charité hospital in Berlin published a study on Synbio cleaning products. That study proved that these cleaning products are the best choice for your health. Do you want to know why? Find out in this blog! 

A microbiome lives both around and inside our bodies. That microbiome is a collection of all kinds of viruses, fungi and bacteria. It is important to keep that microbiome healthy so that we ourselves stay healthy. Some cleaning products cause too many good bacteria to be broken down, disturbing the balance of the microbiome.

We often want to clean too well, but actually this has adverse effects on our health. ‘Super-bugs’ can develop; bad bacteria that become resistant to cleaning products when used excessively. This, of course, is not healthy. These superbugs are a huge problem in hospitals.
Berlin Hospital’s study proves that Synbio cleaners are therefore a better choice. With synbiotic cleaning, you can be sure that the bad bacteria do not become superbugs. Synbio products reduce the chance of superbugs by as much as 99.9%. So the chances of infections in a hospital become less, which also reduces the cost of fighting those infections.

Synbio responds to the growing interest in health, hygiene and safety with sustainable technology. The unique combination of pro- and prebiotics ensures that the microbiome remains well balanced and improves. The effectiveness of synbiotic products has already been proven several times in seminars.

These arguments show why Synbio is the best choice for your health. Are you also working towards a healthier environment?

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